Why To Adopt Managed Kubernetes As A Services?

Kubernetes is one of the most successful container management solutions of our time. It enables cost effective and efficient container management for businesses utilizing various software tools and solutions within an organization.

Not many people know today that Kubernetes was actually created by Google. It was an open source project that was later donated to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation CNCF. The whole purpose of CNCF is to promote efficient container technology. Before we discuss why you should adopt managed Kubernetes As a Services, let’s find out what exactly Kubernetes is all about.

What Does Kubernetes Do?

If you are looking for managed Kubernetes As a Service, you are probably aware of container technology. Container is a standalone and executable package of a piece of software that isolates the software from the surrounding. This isolation can play a vital role in reducing the chances of conflict between different teams using different software on an infrastructure. Container technology allows for the most efficient use of the overall infrastructure regardless of how many teams are utilizing it.

Due to the benefits of container technology, many small businesses and startups are now adopting it just as much as the big fishes in the business.

Now, deploying containers is not too big of a problem but you might end up with numerous containers. The real challenge is managing all those containers and connecting them to the outside world. You will need a huge team of developers to manage all those containers. This is called container management or container orchestration. Kubernetes is essentially the most reliable container orchestration platform available today.

Managed Kubernetes as a Service

For any business that intends to adopt Kubernetes, there are essentially three options. You can choose to do it yourself, with a bit of help. As mentioned earlier, container management can be an overwhelming task. You will need proper training before you can unlock the true potential of the platform. Moreover, you will need a team of at least three highly trained people with the right skills and knowledge. You will require expanding the team as your business grows. While some organizations do choose this option, it isn’t the most feasible one.

Another option is to go for fully managed Kubernetes service. You can outsource your entire Kubernetes functions to a team that is equipped with the right expertise. The team will implement and manage your infrastructure while providing consultation and support as well. This may sound like the best option to choose but for many businesses, the cost outweighs the benefits.

The middle and the most feasible path is to adopt managed Kubernetes as a Service. There are a number of companies now offering specific solutions built around Kubernetes. These SAAS platforms make Kubernetes management extremely simple and easy. The user interface is simple enough to operate without extensive container management expertise. 

So, for any company that cannot afford to completely outsource their container management, managed Kubernetes as a Service.  
